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Essence Yoga

2197 Broad Street
Cranston, R.I. 02905
located in the ‘heart’ of Pawtuxet Village

6:00pm –  7:00pm


Learn to meditate finding inner peace through – techniques that guide the mind toward stillness, chanting, and sound healing.  Come learn the Teachings of Self-Realization as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda.

Only by living properly right now, at the changeless center of the moment, can we arrive at that point where we exercise complete control over our lives and arrive at bliss!

Chanting focuses on a simple phrase and melody and repeats it over and over. The repetition relaxes the mind, and the body thus becomes ready to meditate. It Increases oxygen, glucose, and reduces carbon dioxide. It promotes joy, contentment, peace and cleanses the mind like water cleanses the body

Everyone is welcome to learn and practice in this non-judgmental environment!


Adam Guindon is a Brahmachari in the Nayaswami Order since 2012, began his exploration into meditation 4.5 years ago after reading The Autobiography of a Yogi.  Initiated into Kriya Yoga as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda in 2010 & received his Meditation Teacher Training through the Ananda Sangha, certified by the Yoga Alliance in 2011.  Devotion and Sat Chit Ananda (ever-existing, ever conscious, ever- new Bliss) serve as the fundamental principles that guide his teaching.