Spiritual Cooperative Communities
“Take the best advice I can give you. Gather together, those of you who share high ideals. Pool your resources. Buy land out in the country. A simple life will bring you inner freedom. Harmony with nature will bring you a happiness known to few city dwellers. In the company of other truth seekers you will find it easier to meditate and think of God.” -Paramhansa Yogananda
Our Ananda Rhode Island Community
In August of 2020 the fire of inspiration for creating a spiritual cooperative community re-ignited in the hearts of our community members. A new journey of education, cooperation, and dedication began. Through weekly meditation, regular meetings, and field trips to view properties, the energy continues to build the necessary magnetism needed for actualizing a spiritual cooperative community. If you are moved by Paramhansa Yogananda’s vision of spiritual cooperative communities, come join one of our offerings, and participate in our community.
Please visit our classes schedule for more information on offerings for this project
For more information regarding our fundraising campaign, donated land, and our vision please attend any of our events above. To learn more about what a spiritual cooperative community is follow here. For direct contact with our community feel free to email (anandarhodeisland@gmail.com).
If you would like to make a donation for our spiritual cooperative communities project, there are many ways to do so. Please go HERE to donate. Thank you! (Please include in the memo or notes section of your donation the specification “Community”
New Developments
Blessing the Land
Sunday June 27th, after our weekly service, a group of ten Ananda members gathered together on “the 100 acre woods” (The name is still TBD) to build an outdoor altar and to dedicate the land to our line of gurus. Below are many beautiful pictures of our visit. Our ceremony started with a prayer, then chanting “Sri Yogananda” & “Sri Gurudeva Aum”, and finished with the offering of devotion blessed roses/rose petals. A special thank you to those who brought flowers, laminated altar photos, wood, and devotion. For those unable to attend, you were carried in our hearts, and present in spirit.