Learn To Meditate

Ananda Course in Meditation

Next Course Begins: January 18th 2025

Led by Ananda Rhode Island Ministers Kyle McDonald & Kelly Doyle 

Saturday’s 10:30-12:00 at the Ananda RI Church ~ Class Price: $80 (Sliding scale option available)

To Register, Please email anandarhodeisland@gmail.com with the subject line “Learn to Meditate”. Ananda Ministers Kyle McDonald will respond to your request and direct you from there. 

* For those taking the meditation course, you are welcome to attend our weekly (9-10:15 with Sam) Saturday morning yoga class as part of the price of the course.

Meditation is one of the most natural and rewarding of all human activities. It gives direct, intuitive experience of higher realities, and is the cornerstone of true spirituality.
Each of us has a calm joyful center, deep within. It may get lost in the hectic pace of life, but it is there — waiting patiently for us. Meditation can help us rediscover that joy—and a rich, inner life.
When we bring body, breath, mind and heart into stillness…the peaceful state of meditation begins and the blissful experience of one’s true nature can unfold.
LEARN TO MEDITATE is a series of 4 classes
that is offered at ANANDA RI regularly


Learn to Meditate Class Series Details:
Using the powerful meditation techniques of Paramhansa Yogananda, we will awaken the energy through movement, pranayama (breathing techniques), chanting and the beautiful meditation technique of Hong Sau.  
The same topics will be taught in both the Saturday morning and Wednesday evening classes.
In each class there are one or two short meditations and a delightful assignment. 
What Is Meditation
Getting Comfortable to Sit for Meditation
Breath Mind Connection and Watching the Breath
Review of Meditation Technique
Practical Hints For Meditation
Importance of Energy
Superconscious Living Exercises
Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration
Short Practice, Q&A and Discussion
Overcoming Obstacles to Meditation
Principles of Energy
Engaging the Heart
Chanting Is Half the Battle
Short Practice, Q&A and discussion
Making Meditation a Life Skill
Setting up a home practice
 CPR Constant Process of Re-inspiration
This Learn to Meditate Course includes the book, Lessons in Meditation by Nayaswami Jyotish.