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Discover the Healing Power of Music through an evening of Kirtan and Discussion with Nayaswamis Dharmadas and Nirmala  at  the University of Rhode Island, MultiCultural Center.

If you like music, either singing yourself, or sitting quietly while others make music around you, come join us for Kirtan sacred chanting. 

The sacred sounds of chants penetrate deeply into the consciousness. They have the power to open the heart and transform and uplift the soul. Chanting is an excellent, easy way to lift your spirits, and revitalize yourself after a long week of work.

Many different instruments may be used at a Kirtan.  On this occasion we will  be accompanied by harmonium, kirtals and guitar.  The most dynamic music, however, is that which reverberates through the human voice.  Come, let your heart sing!

Yogananda and Kriyananda have written many beautiful chants in English. We  will also sing some traditional chants of India in Sanskrit.  Melodies are simple, and usually repetitious so you can easily join in.

University of Rhode Island

Multicultural Center

Hardge Forum Room 101 

74 Lower College Rd.

Kingston, RI, 02881

401-874 -2851

Friday April 26th 7:00pm – 9:00 pm

Donations appreciated.

Nayaswamis Dharmadas and Nirmala have been teachers of meditation and related yoga practice for a combined more than seventy years and on three continents. Most recently, they were founding spiritual directors of Ananda India in New Delhi and the first rural Ananda Community near Pune India for the last eight years. They currently serve in a variety of roles, teaching, coordinating meditation group support and outreach in USA and Canada.